Removing stigma, empowering kids – hopes for the new Equity Index

From 2023 the decades old decile system will be replaced with the equity index (EQI), with support increasing by $75m per annum. Daryl Aim, the tumuaki at Natone Park School in Waitangirua in east Porirua, spoke to Ako about the impact of the old system and what the new system means for the future.

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Hope and a big dose of reality: teaching climate action

As we begin to see the effects of climate change, with storms, flooding and sea level rise, educators are finding ways to bridge optimism and reality in the classroom.

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A return to wisdom – understanding maramataka Maaori

Alongside celebrations of Mataariki there has been a growing interest in the Maaori calendar. Ako finds out how schools around the country are benefitting from following the maramataka.

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Pandemic innovations

COVID-19 forced schools and early childhood centres to rethink the way they delivered learning. Ako talks to educators who have found the silver linings and are looking to the future.

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Spring 2022: Book reviews

Reviews of thirteen excellent new books for kaiako and ākonga.

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The place we stand – connecting to the land in Tāmaki Makaurau

Exploring local history is one way schools can connect to the new Aotearoa New Zealand histories curriculum. Ako caught up with two Auckland schools who are uncovering local history right under their feet.

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Kua tuku iho

Tae atu ki ēnei tau tata nei, he rautaki a te kāwana kia whakawarewaretia āna ake mahi tūkino ki a ngāi Māori. He aha ngā whakaaro o ngā kura Māori e hāngai ana ki te whakaakoranga o ngā kōrero tuku iho me ngā hītori o Niu Tīreni?

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Mana and morale

Our local communities are rich sources of history and support but building these networks takes time, effort and dedication. Ako finds out how one Kāhui Ako is connecting with local iwi and sharing knowledge amongst member schools to build understanding, connections and tikanga.

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