The art of future-proofing
With just 18 months until schools need to implement the new Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko curricula, how do educators make that transition?
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With just 18 months until schools need to implement the new Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko curricula, how do educators make that transition?
Collins is a teacher at Corinna School in Porirua. She is passionate about inclusive teaching and learning practices., and is a practitioner of the Developing Mathematical Inquiry Communities (DMIC) pedagogy.
Dr. Alex Gunn thinks curiously about the place and possibility of critically oriented curriculum from early childhood education me ngā Kōhanga Reo into kura and school.
The Fairfield Project, administered by the Kukutāruhe Education Trust, is a restoration project with a difference – its vision is to develop, in the Fairfield Community (in Hamilton), an Ecological and Education Centre with a focus on all facets of environmental education and practice aimed at a sustainable future.