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Resetting the clock
Before the changeover to Tomorrow’s Schools, the Department of Education had a curriculum development unit (CDU) that represented all areas of the curriculum.
Each one, teach one
We live in exciting times. This adage is often used when nobody really seems to know what is going to happen next.
Running the Country: A Look Inside New Zealand’s Government
A review of Running the Country: A Look Inside New Zealand's Government by Maria Gill.
Recipes for Messy Play
A review of Recipes for Messy Play, from New Shoots Publishing.
Two books: A review of Te Whare and Ko Kiwi Mā
Reviews of Te Whare and Ko Kiwi Mā, two books by Ngaere Roberts and Christine Dale.
Find a network!
Te Whāriki is being used more in the first years of school with positive results and schools forming networks to implement ideas. Some early childhood teachers are moving to primary to take advantage of the change.
The art of future-proofing
With just 18 months until schools need to implement the new Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko curricula, how do educators make that transition?
DMIC and Inclusive Practices
Collins is a teacher at Corinna School in Porirua. She is passionate about inclusive teaching and learning practices., and is a practitioner of the Developing Mathematical Inquiry Communities (DMIC) pedagogy.

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
Hita Foster shares her kaupapa of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, inspiring educators and schools to draw ideas from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa when designing their own curriculum in their areas.

Thinking Curiously: Critical Theories and Te Whāriki
Dr. Alex Gunn thinks curiously about the place and possibility of critically oriented curriculum from early childhood education me ngā Kōhanga Reo into kura and school.