Lynda Stuart

Lynda Stuart

Liberating creative practice

Kia ora e hoa ma.

Well, what a first half of 2018 we have had. NZEI Te Riu Roa is certainly focussed on the future of education in this country. I have been particularly proud of the work that has happened in getting the message out there that there is no replacement needed for National Standards.

NZEI Te Riu Roa, along with the Ministry of Education, has been involved in organising curriculum hui across this country. (There are links on this website to some of the inspiring talks at these hui.)

Educators and researchers came together to relaunch the early childhood curriculum with the wonderful Te Whāriki added to the New Zealand Curriculum and Te Mauratanga o Aotearoa. The focus has been on liberating our teachers and enabling them to be inspired and reinvigorated about our wonderful curricula and the opportunities to be creative in teaching and learning programmes.

We focus on the curricula in this first issue of our new professional journal, Ako. Educators share their wonderful and innovative practice and some of the thinking behind it. We also see some examples of the concept of ako – where everyone is a teacher and learner. This has inspired the title of this new journal.

I hope that you will find much to enjoy and use from this new publication and website as you continue the wonderful work that you do as educators of our nation’s children.

Lynda Stuart is the NZEI Te Riu Roa National President, Te Manukura

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