Learning from Te Taiao
Bush school, cold dips, and local conservation projects with rats traps, Half Moon Bay School on Rakiura/Stewart Island make sure all the opportunities are possible for their tamariki.
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Bush school, cold dips, and local conservation projects with rats traps, Half Moon Bay School on Rakiura/Stewart Island make sure all the opportunities are possible for their tamariki.
In 2022, 50 years after the Equal Pay Act was passed into law, Kaiārahi i te reo won a pay equity settlement, with an average pay increase of 79 percent. Āwhina Kihi tells us what being a kaiārahi means and why the pay increase is such a big deal.
He hoa haaere te maanawatia aa Mataariki i te whakanuia te maramataka Maaori. Kei te whai ake aa Ako i ngaa koorero oo te waa mai ngaa kura puta noa i te motu, me ngaa painga oo roto.
Alongside celebrations of Mataariki there has been a growing interest in the Maaori calendar. Ako finds out how schools around the country are benefitting from following the maramataka.
Global Citizenship education (GCED) is UNESCO’s response to the impact of poverty, global warming, inequality and human rights violations which threaten peace and sustainability worldwide.